Tag: agility

Stability Workout At Home
Stability workouts are critical for derby! This kind of training makes us feel more solid on the track. It helps us absorb hits and stay in-bounds. It makes us stronger in a braced formation. AND - very important - it also helps us to avoid injuries. In …
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All-Star Power Medley Workout
Workout Focus: Power & Agility! Intensity: moderate You need: a timer, rolled towel or t-shirt, and a bench or box. Mat optional. Suggested Warmup: 25 Jumping Jacks | 30 High Knees | 20 Half Squats | 20 Good Mornings | 20 Walking Lunges Stability …
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All-Star Hufflepuff Workout
Workout Focus: Endurance, Power & Agility, Lower Body You need: a timer Suggested Warmup: 30s each: Jumping Jacks, Half Squats, Good Mornings, High Knees Stability Training: Walking Lunges with a reach-back: 20 lunges (=10 each side) x 2 All-Star …
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All-Star Bounce With Me Workout
Hello, All-Star!Is it time for a punch in the fitness? Does your regular gym routine need to drink an espresso and get a job? Can I get a What? What?Today's Bounce With Me workout will be short, sweet, and sweaty. It will pop, lock and roll, and defi…
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Bounce With Me HIIT Workout
Is it time for a punch in the fitness? Does your regular gym routine need to drink an espresso and get a job? Can I get a What? What? Today's Bounce With Me workout will be short, sweet, and sweaty. It will pop, lock and roll, and definitely g…
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The 25,000 Fan Pyramid Workout
What's got 25,000 thumbs and loves burpees?? Roller Derby Athletics' fans, that's what! That's right - this week I'm celebrating a milestone - 25,000 of you derby peeps have given the ol' thumbs up to the Roller Derby Athletics page on Facebook. That…
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Jump Jive ‘n’ Roll Derby Workout
There was so much twisting, jumping, and rolling around in this workout, I couldn't resist completely punning up some classic swing music for you! So get your victory rolls set and your saddle shoes tied up tight. This workout is going to have you ju…
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No Hands! All-Star Extras
Hello All-Stars! Here is your exclusive real-time version of this video - great for if you want to follow along step by step with me in doing this session! [rda_video video_url="//player.vimeo.com/video/111579367"] Here is the abbreviated workout vid…
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No Hands Roller Derby Workout
Yay! It's Autumn! Leaves are falling, frost is crunching underfoot, Championals are over, and leagues all over North America are preparing for winter hibernation... And yet. You are here. YOU, my friend, are not about to let cold, wet weather stop …
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The Standardized Roller Derby Fitness Test
Introduction - Test Version 2.2 Why does it make sense to have a standardized fitness test for roller derby? Most major sports have a benchmark indicator of the elements of fitness necessary to be successful in the sport. These tests, like the NFL Combi…
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Super-Plyo All-Star Extras
Hello All-Stars! Here is your exclusive real-time version of this video - great for if you want to follow along step by step with me in doing this session! Do note that you need a little bit of space for some of these - especially the frog hops in part 1…
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Super-Plyo Workout for Roller Derby
Plyo, aka plyometrics, is the key to building explosive speed in any sport. Deep knee bends followed by explosive high jumps will build fast-twitch muscles needed for quick accelerations and powerful hits. And we all love both of those things, no? In thi…
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Roller Derby Gamechangers
As part of Roller Derby Athletics' sponsorship of the 2014 WFTDA tournaments on wftda.tv, we're sharing these 30 Second #Gamechanger episodes all tournament season long! A team has 60 seconds for a time out on the track - what can YOU do in 30 seconds t…
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Pre-Hab! Stability Training All-Star extras
Hey there, All-Stars! Here's your extra content on this one - download this PDF handout that summarizes the exercises I showed in the video! Print it out, take it with you, put it under your pillow... :) Pre-hab Stability Handout xo Booty Quake  …
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Pre-Hab! Stability Training Workout
What's that you say? Another Pre-Hab video? INDEED! Many skaters ask me for tips on how to gain more agility as a skater. Well, friends - stability is a big part of your answer. (Other parts include leg strength, core strength, and ninja skills). It's …
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Loving it Low Workout
By popular request, this week's workout is - first and foremost - for anyone who is looking for a strength workout and a good full body sweaty-time. But this one is especially great for those of you who are recovering from an injury. You want to keep yo…
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The Agility Sandwich Workout
The secret to improving your agility for roller derby, is that there's no one secret. Yes, like so many things in life, you can't just hit the bullseye with a single dart. Sometimes you need to come at things from multiple angles. I won't call it a shotgu…
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Another Seven Minutes in Heaven
You know, sometimes the oldies are the goodies. I first posted this workout in February 2013, and it's become one of the most-watched videos on my YouTube channel (PS, that's a thing you can subscribe to). So it's back to the archives for this week's work…
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Bring It! Time Challenge Workout
Some days you need to be truly ready to BRING IT. Today is one of those days. This workout means business! We are going to hit the deck with a whole lot of strength and cardio in this workout. Your upper body, lower body, and core will be feeling it, and…
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Ready For Battle Workout
There are many things in a roller derby bout that we have no control over. Officials, the other team, the floor surface... so it's critical to focus on the things we CAN control. A good attitude, resiliency in the face of challenges, and well-maintained …
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Ditch your Boring Workouts. Take a Hike!
On a recent scramble up the side of one of the many epic slopes in my big backyard here in Vancouver, BC, I was reminded of why hiking is one of my favourite activities outside of the rink. 1. Your skin is becoming translucent. For starters, just getting …
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They’re New But Are They Improved?
Ask yourself these two very important questions: 1. when is the last time you performed a baseball slide in game play? And, 2. how many times per bout do you turn around 180 degrees and quickly skate in the opposite direction? Did you say “uh, never ev…
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Core on the Floor Workout
Something new here - I'm really interested in your feedback on this one! I've recorded a real-time video here. No edits, no cutting between exercises. For the first time you can set up the video and do it along with me, at the same time. Love it? Hate it…
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A Love Letter to Derby Legs
* photo courtesy of my favourite skate shop, Rollergirl.ca! Dear Derby Legs, I'll admit it - sometimes you frustrate me. When you refuse to fit into those trendy, skinny jeans that all the unathletic girls are wearing. When said skinny jeans in your siz…
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Seven Minutes in Heaven Agility Workout
Want to juke better, bust through scrum starts, stop and turn quickly to force a cutting penalty, or be able to move yourself at lightning speed across the track to block out a slippery jammer? Of course you do! That's why today's workout dials in on agil…
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Skater’s Choice Workout
Today's workout** is an interval workout and it is going to be a whole body strength workout, very intense cardio, with a focus on improving our recovery time – the time it takes for our heart rates to return to a normal level after you go like hell. Th…
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