Workout Focus: Power & Agility!
Intensity: moderate
You need: a timer, rolled towel or t-shirt, and a bench or box. Mat optional.
Suggested Warmup: 25 Jumping Jacks | 30 High Knees | 20 Half Squats | 20 Good Mornings | 20 Walking Lunges
Stability Training: Included
All-Star Power Medley Workout
Core Activation: one round
- Bird Dog x 20 total
- Marching Bridge x 20 steps (or regular 2-Foot Bridge x 10 – easier)
- Bear Crawls x 30s (Lizard Planks if you don’t have room)
- Clamshells: 15-20 each side
Power Section: 3 rounds. Rest after each exercise. Maximise each jump!
- Power Push-Ups x 10-15
- Squat Jumps x 15-20
- Box Jumps x 10-15 (sub Frog Jumps if no box or bench available)
Agility Section: 3 rounds. Rest between moves as needed. Fast feet!
- Agility Hops – 1 foot – 30s each side
- Heismans – 30-60s (think ‘fast feet’!)
Cool Down: walk/jog 3-5 minutes. Try foam rolling your legs. Stretch your calves!
Printable: 2017-08-13 power medley
Explanations & Modifications
To get the most out of each power exercise, go for max height & explosive power on each rep. For the agility section, focus on keeping core engaged, arms calm, and feet quick!
To make this easier: convert the power section to a strength section by eliminating the jumps and just doing pushups, squats and lunges instead.
To make this harder: increase reps and/or sets. Instead of box jumps try stepping off a box immediately into a tuck jump. Soft landings!