There are many things in a roller derby bout that we have no control over. Officials, the other team, the floor surface… so it’s critical to focus on the things we CAN control.
A good attitude, resiliency in the face of challenges, and well-maintained gear are among the factors that you can control on game day. Physical preparedness, however, is the key, and you just can’t hit that one on game day – you’ve got to put in the hard work in advance.
Does your team execute strategy and transitions like it’s choreography? Are your jammers faster than their jammers? Your walls tighter than theirs? Is your team able to keep fighting the battle at full intensity in the last minutes of the game (without pulling sloppy penalties)? Your physical preparation for a bout is what can set your team apart.
Here’s how we’re going to get you ready for battle:
Equipment: Timer (I use the Seconds Pro app on my phone)
Opening round: 20x squat jumps
Workout: 4 rounds through, 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest
- Skate & Reach
- Burpees
- Power Jacks
- Reverse Lunges
Watch the video for how to do these moves! Please remember to warm up beforehand, and cool down with a stretch afterwards.
This workout is very short – just 8 minutes – so you have to give each interval your full intensity. Because it’s short and requires no equipment, it’s also a great routine to do with your team right after practice, as soon as you’ve geared down.
Always, always be the team that worked harder to be there!
Thanks Booty Quake – I’m really lovin’ the short sets – the second you start you know you’re only seconds away from a short rest – and like you said, it really inspires you to go full force and power through them. I’m definitely going to bring this to our next practice! And Horray for green grass!