Tag: lunge jumps

A Hop in the Park Interval Workout
It's a Hop in the Park, but it's no walk in the park...This gym-free interval workout means business. But when you can do it outside, or with your teammates, it takes the burn off, just a touch! High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workouts should …
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All-Star Bounce With Me Workout
Hello, All-Star!Is it time for a punch in the fitness? Does your regular gym routine need to drink an espresso and get a job? Can I get a What? What?Today's Bounce With Me workout will be short, sweet, and sweaty. It will pop, lock and roll, and defi…
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Bounce With Me HIIT Workout
Is it time for a punch in the fitness? Does your regular gym routine need to drink an espresso and get a job? Can I get a What? What? Today's Bounce With Me workout will be short, sweet, and sweaty. It will pop, lock and roll, and definitely g…
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The Standardized Roller Derby Fitness Test
Introduction - Test Version 2.2 Why does it make sense to have a standardized fitness test for roller derby? Most major sports have a benchmark indicator of the elements of fitness necessary to be successful in the sport. These tests, like the NFL Combi…
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Feel The Burn Workout
Some days you just need to get out there and crank it out. No holds barred, no excuses, just burning muscles, sweat, and that euphoric feeling when you're done. I bring you, therefore, an AMRAP challenge workout! We are going to haul ass for 12 minutes s…
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Bring It! Time Challenge Workout
Some days you need to be truly ready to BRING IT. Today is one of those days. This workout means business! We are going to hit the deck with a whole lot of strength and cardio in this workout. Your upper body, lower body, and core will be feeling it, and…
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Ready For Battle Workout
There are many things in a roller derby bout that we have no control over. Officials, the other team, the floor surface... so it's critical to focus on the things we CAN control. A good attitude, resiliency in the face of challenges, and well-maintained …
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Give it A Hundred and Ten Workout
Want to kill it on your next fitness test? 32-plus laps in 5 minutes? Take a lickin' and keep on tickin' on the track against your toughest opponents? Just find a way to wedge this workout into your routine a couple times a week and you'll be well on your…
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How 1,435 Female Athletes Built Happy Knees
Today's video is an exercise program designed to reduce knee injuries. I've actually adapted this workout from a program for female soccer players, developed by the Santa Monica Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Research Foundation. They called it PEP (prev…
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Booster Juice workout
I'm stoked to bring you today's new workout for 3 important reasons... #1 – I asked you for the biggest challenges you wanted to overcome, and overwhelmingly, you said “endurance!” Ask and ye shall receive, my friends... mwahahaha... #2 – I have a…
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