Tag: pushup

The Standardized Roller Derby Fitness Test
Introduction - Test Version 2.2 Why does it make sense to have a standardized fitness test for roller derby? Most major sports have a benchmark indicator of the elements of fitness necessary to be successful in the sport. These tests, like the NFL Combi…
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“Basic Training” Derby Strength Workout
Everyone wants to be a superstar on the track. Unfortunately, not that many people want to legitimately work towards being a superstar. Of the remainder, a good chunk of people ARE super motivated, but they aren't sure where to focus that energy to get …
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Spring Cleaning HIIT Workout
Spring Cleaning! It's officially mid-may, so I say better late than never for some good ol' spring cleaning (as I swirl a glass of wine and avoid looking at the dust bunnies in the corner...) So it's a cardio clean-out-thecobwebs instead - I have duste…
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Loving it Low Workout
By popular request, this week's workout is - first and foremost - for anyone who is looking for a strength workout and a good full body sweaty-time. But this one is especially great for those of you who are recovering from an injury. You want to keep yo…
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Feel The Burn Workout
Some days you just need to get out there and crank it out. No holds barred, no excuses, just burning muscles, sweat, and that euphoric feeling when you're done. I bring you, therefore, an AMRAP challenge workout! We are going to haul ass for 12 minutes s…
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Salute The Sun Workout
Some days, you just don't have it in you to get out there and do a plyo routine. You want to get some exercise in, and you know you'll feel better if you move, but a lingering cough, or a twingy muscle tell you not to overdo it. Or maybe you're coming bac…
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Bring It! Time Challenge Workout
Some days you need to be truly ready to BRING IT. Today is one of those days. This workout means business! We are going to hit the deck with a whole lot of strength and cardio in this workout. Your upper body, lower body, and core will be feeling it, and…
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Sweet Sixteen Stairs Workout
Are you feeling a little Molly Ringwald? Excellent! This Sweet Sixteen Stairs workout is perfect for you. Ingredients: 3-5 storeys of stairs, 4 strength and core moves, and some sweet thigh-burning repeats. Instructions: Mix with sunshine, and enjoy the…
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The 3S Workout
Do you want to feel sexy? Try the 3S workout. Step 1) be Smart. Work out doing moves that are targeted for your goals. You're a roller derby skater (or official!), so you want strong legs, a strong core, and great cardio. Step 2) be Strong. Don't just c…
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Interval Love Workout
When coach sends you out 2 jams in a row, or you've got to jam twice with only one jam in between to rest, you need to recover from that intense exertion pretty darn quick. Your heart and lungs must be very efficient at returning to normal levels. Interva…
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It’s a Fine Balance workout
A Fine Balance is an interval workout to promote balance, stability, and agility.This workout is going to help you be light on your feet, hit harder, and be more resilient to being hit on the track. Read on for the how, the why, the dos and the don'ts. E…
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Step it Up Workout
It's time for another workout my friends. Nothing seasonal or themed here, just a solid few minutes of your time spent sweating and getting a little bit more awesome. It's a time challenge, so record your time and do this workout again in the future to se…
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Skater’s Choice Workout
Today's workout** is an interval workout and it is going to be a whole body strength workout, very intense cardio, with a focus on improving our recovery time – the time it takes for our heart rates to return to a normal level after you go like hell. Th…
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Fresh Meat Injury Prevention Workout!
For the newest, freshest meat in town - it's important to work on strengthening muscles that will help keep you injury free, AND make your skating stronger. The keys here are ankle strength, knee stabilising, and core strength. This routine is light enoug…
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Burpees are for winners
That's right, you heard us... WINNERS! There's nothing quite like 'em. No other exercise we've found can so closely represent that teeth-gnashingly, burn-y, hypoxic feeling we get in our legs towards the end of a 2-minute jam. Do your team a favour and …
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