Your Training Toolbox!
Check out our catalogue of over 80 detailed instructional videos. Learn the correct form and get tons of ideas for your next team workout! These videos are organized by area of focus. Some exercises will appear in more than one category. If you’d like, you can organize the videos alphabetically.
How to: Cardio >>

How-to: Mountain Climbers & Spidermans
Exercise: Mountain Climbers and Spidermans For Mountain Climbers, bring your knees straight in towards your chest without touching your front foot to the floor; for Spidermans, bring your front foot to the outside of your hand and transfer your weight to it. Do: Place wrists directly below shoulders Don’t: allow hips to rise up Easier: go […]

How-to: Duck Walk
Exercise: Duck Walks Do: Take long, low strides Don’t: Pop up between steps Easier: Shorter sustained periods of walking Harder: Keep going! quack!

How-to: High Knees
Exercise: High Knees Do: Get your knees high! Don’t: look down, let your chest and shoulders sag Easier: fewer reps, go more slowly Harder: step quickly Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Frog Jumps
Exercise: Frog Jumps Do: Jump for distance, not height, try to minimize the number of hops backward you need to get back to your starting point
How to: Plyo >>

How-to: Power Push-Ups
Exercise: Power Push-Ups Do: practice good plank and push-up form Don’t: allow your hips to rise or sag Easier: Do push-ups from your knees Harder: n/a Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Chair Step-Up
Exercise: Chair Step-Ups & Step-Up / Cross-Under Combos* Do: Drive through your heel, all the way up Don’t: Get only halfway up Easier: Standard step up Harder: Double-time, Up and Over variations *check out the Cross-Under squat video for more tutorial on the combo movement.

How-to: Squats & Squat Jump Variations
Exercise: Squats Variations: Squat Jumps, Squat Jump + Tuck Jump Do: Send hips back first, keep chest and head lifted. For jumping variations, do land with soft knees! Don’t: allow weight forward into your toes; look down Easier: If you can’t perform a squat on your own with good form, hold on to e.g. a door frame […]

How-to: Frog Jumps
Exercise: Frog Jumps Do: Jump for distance, not height, try to minimize the number of hops backward you need to get back to your starting point
How to: Strength >>

How-to: Lunges with Weight
Exercise: Weighted Lunge Do: Warm up with the bar only. Keep knees over toes. Drive through the heel of the front foot to rise up. Keep chest and head lifted. Don’t: allow front knee to cave inward, or take too large a step forward. Easier: Do split squats instead Harder: lift heavier weight See also: Split Squats, Lunges Back to all How-To […]

How-to: Squats & Squat Jump Variations
Exercise: Squats Variations: Squat Jumps, Squat Jump + Tuck Jump Do: Send hips back first, keep chest and head lifted. For jumping variations, do land with soft knees! Don’t: allow weight forward into your toes; look down Easier: If you can’t perform a squat on your own with good form, hold on to e.g. a door frame […]

How-to: Lateral Roll on a Ball
Exercise: Lateral Roll on a Ball Variations: Iron Cross, Charlie’s Angels Do: Keep hips lifted Don’t: Easier: Iron cross variation Harder: Charlie’s Angels variation Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Body Tap Planks
Exercise: Body Tap Planks Do: Keep good plank form. Don’t: Sway side to side as you swap hands; or, let your butt rise up Easier: Go slow and steady. Harder: Elevate feet on a bench or chair. See also: Planks Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…
How to: Core >>

How-to: CoreBuilder Stretching Sequence
Exercise: CoreBuilder Stretching Sequence Do: Perform this sequence after every CoreBuilder workout! Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Walkout Push-ups on a Ball
Exercise: Walkout Push-ups on a Ball Do: Maintain a plank position and neutral neck position; alternate which hand leads the march Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Push-Ups
Exercise: Push-Ups Do: Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, point elbows about 45 degrees away from your torso, get to a 90 degree bend in your elbows at the bottom position Don’t: allow your hips to rise up or sag Easier: do push-ups from your knees Harder: place feet close together (works stability); elevate […]

How-to: Squat with Weight
Exercise: Squats with Weight Do: Keep weight in heels, maintain a slight curve in the lower back at the bottom position, keep chest and head lifted. Don’t: squat lower if you can’t maintain good form. Easier: Use lighter weight; use a Smith Machine at the gym. Harder: Lift heavier weight. See also: Squats & Squat Jumps Back to all […]
How to: Stability >>

How-to: Plank – Elbows to Hands
Exercise: Plank – Elbows to Hands Do: Follow all the good form advice for a standard plank; remember to alternate which arm leads Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Split Squat with Raised Leg
Exercise: Split Squat with Raised Back Leg Do: Place about 70% of your weight on the front foot. Drive through the heel of the front foot to rise up. Don’t: allow front knee to cave inward. Easier: Do standard split squats instead Harder: lift heavier weight See also: Split Squats, Lunges Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Cross-Under Squats
Exercise: Cross-Under Squats Do: Keep head and chest lifted, get hips down low, reach far across with the back leg Don’t: take miniature steps, or only bend forward at the waist instead of bending from the knees

How-to: Crossover Twists with a Ball
Exercise: Crossover Twists with a Ball Do: Keep your shoulders in contact with the mat Don’t: rush, or twist further than you can with control Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Lower Body >>

How-to: High Bridge with Marching on a Ball
Exercise: High Bridge with Marching on a Ball Do: Keep hips lifted, keep torso as still as possible Don’t: let hips sag Easier: no arms Harder: with arms Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Calf Raises
Exercise: Calf Raises Do: Rise and lower with control; distribute weight evenly across the balls of your feet. Don’t: let your heels splay out to the sides. Easier: hold on to a wall for stabiity Harder: one-leg calf raises; add weight

How-to: Walking Lunge
Exercise: Walking Lunge Do: Keep head and shoulders lifted, drive up through your front heel Don’t: let your front knee drive forward past your toes, or cave inward towards your centre line. Easier: hold on to a wall for support, don’t bend as deeply Harder / Stability variation: Add a twist, reaching back toward your back heel with the same […]

How-to: Cross-Under Swipes
Exercise: Cross-Under Swipes Do: Bend your supporting leg; keep a flexed foot with instep facing the sky on your follow-through; adjust your pressure, surface, and footwear to make the exercise doable but challenging Don’t: forget to “reach” with your active leg Easier: Hold the wall for stability Harder: No hands!
How to: Upper Body >>

How-to: Planks with Single Knee Tucks on a Ball
Exercise: Planks with Single Knee Tucks on a Ball (HOB) Do: Try to keep as still as possible in your upper body and trunk Modification: do this from the ground, or with your elbows on the ball if you have wrist pain Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Walking Push-up
Exercise: Walking Push-up Do: Practice good push-up form Don’t: Allow hips to pike up or sag Easier: Do pushups from your knees; step hand and foot one at a time instead of simultaneously Harder: n/a Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Praying Mantis Plank
Exercise: Praying Mantis Plank Do: Return to good plank form between each rep Easier: Touch outstretched foot to floor near hand, instead of touching hand & foot in the air; or leave both hands in place and just reach your foot out. Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Tabletop Rollout on a Ball
Exercise: Tabletop Rollout on a Ball Do: Go slowly, with control; bend at the hips; keep your neck neutral Don’t: pitch forward at the hips as though in a plank Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Agility >>

How-to: Agility Hops
Exercise: Agility Hops Variations: Front/back, Side-side with feet together; side-side one foot at a time Do: Wear shoes! Use something soft as an obstacle, e.g a rolled towel or t-shirt. Move feet quickly Easier: Go slow Harder: Move quickly! Extend your time Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Duck Walk
Exercise: Duck Walks Do: Take long, low strides Don’t: Pop up between steps Easier: Shorter sustained periods of walking Harder: Keep going! quack!

How-to: Mountain Climbers & Spidermans
Exercise: Mountain Climbers and Spidermans For Mountain Climbers, bring your knees straight in towards your chest without touching your front foot to the floor; for Spidermans, bring your front foot to the outside of your hand and transfer your weight to it. Do: Place wrists directly below shoulders Don’t: allow hips to rise up Easier: go […]

How-to: Skater Strides
Exercise: Skater Strides Do: Stay low throughout, keep head and chest lifted, use arms like a speed skater Don’t: bob up and down, or half-ass it and wind up looking like a tap dancer :)