Your Training Toolbox!
Check out our catalogue of over 80 detailed instructional videos. Learn the correct form and get tons of ideas for your next team workout! These videos are organized by area of focus. Some exercises will appear in more than one category. If you’d like, you can organize the videos alphabetically.
How to: Cardio >>

How-to: Mountain Climbers & Spidermans
Exercise: Mountain Climbers and Spidermans For Mountain Climbers, bring your knees straight in towards your chest without touching your front foot to the floor; for Spidermans, bring your front foot to the outside of your hand and transfer your weight to it. Do: Place wrists directly below shoulders Don’t: allow hips to rise up Easier: go […]

How-to: Skater Jumps & Hops
Exercise: Skater Jumps Variation: Skater Jumps & Hops Do: Take speed skater posture, low and bent at the waist. Jump wide and low. For the jump+hop variation, get as much air under your toes on the Hop as you can! Don’t: Pop up and over; transfer your weight to the back foot on each side of the jumps […]

How-to: Duck Walk
Exercise: Duck Walks Do: Take long, low strides Don’t: Pop up between steps Easier: Shorter sustained periods of walking Harder: Keep going! quack!

How-to: Chair Step-Up
Exercise: Chair Step-Ups & Step-Up / Cross-Under Combos* Do: Drive through your heel, all the way up Don’t: Get only halfway up Easier: Standard step up Harder: Double-time, Up and Over variations *check out the Cross-Under squat video for more tutorial on the combo movement.
How to: Plyo >>

How-to: Lunge Jumps
Exercise: Lunge Jumps Do: Jump high! Keep your chest and head lifted Don’t: Allow your front knee to cave in towards centre, or push forward past your toes Easier: Go slower, step between positions instead of jumping Harder: n/a Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Side to Side Switches
Exercise: Side to Side Switches Do: Hold weight close to body, use core to control the movement, move quickly and sharply Don’t: swing the weight in large arcs or compensate with a wide stance. Easier: n/a Harder: go faster, use heavier weight. See also: Heismans Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Mountain Climbers & Spidermans
Exercise: Mountain Climbers and Spidermans For Mountain Climbers, bring your knees straight in towards your chest without touching your front foot to the floor; for Spidermans, bring your front foot to the outside of your hand and transfer your weight to it. Do: Place wrists directly below shoulders Don’t: allow hips to rise up Easier: go […]

How-to: Burpees & Variations
Exercise: Burpees Variations:Half Burpees, Squat Thrusts Do: Hit all the ‘stops’ with good form: Squat, plank, push-up, squat-jump Don’t: Rush through it and sacrifice form Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Strength >>

How-to: Planks on a Ball
Exercise: Planks on a Ball Variations: Feet on the Ball (FOB) and Hands on the ball (HOB) Do: Keep a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels Don’t: allow hips to sag or rise, or sink into your shoulder sockets Don’t: attempt the HOB plank if you have wrist problems or […]

How-to: Calf Raises with weight
Exercise: Weighted Calf Raises Do: Rise as high as possible; lower with control Don’t: drop down quickly without resistance. Easier: Use lighter weight; use a calf raise machine at the gym. Harder: Lift heavier weight. See also: Calf Raises (single leg) Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Body Tap Planks
Exercise: Body Tap Planks Do: Keep good plank form. Don’t: Sway side to side as you swap hands; or, let your butt rise up Easier: Go slow and steady. Harder: Elevate feet on a bench or chair. See also: Planks Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Seated Hip Tilts and Swivels
Exercise: Seated Hip Tilts and Swivels Do: Go slowly, with control, using small movements Don’t: rush Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Core >>

How-to: Thrusters
Exercise: Thrusters Do: Drive up powerfully with legs and hips Don’t: separate the movement into a slow squat and a slow overhead press. Easier: Use lighter weight. Harder: Lift heavier weight (in the video I have 15 lb dumbbells in each hand) See also: Squats, Burpees & Variations Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Side to Side Switches
Exercise: Side to Side Switches Do: Hold weight close to body, use core to control the movement, move quickly and sharply Don’t: swing the weight in large arcs or compensate with a wide stance. Easier: n/a Harder: go faster, use heavier weight. See also: Heismans Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Bird Dog on a Ball
Exercise: Bird Dog on a Ball Do: engage your back, abs and glutes throughout; keep your neck in a neutral position Don’t: overextend, arch your back Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Bicycle Situps
Exercise: Bicycle Situps Do: Go slowly, keep your lower torso still, twist strongly Don’t: Go fast, “flail” Easier: keep your outstretched foot higher Harder: lower your outstretched foot closer to the ground Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Stability >>

How-to: Single Leg Squat
Exercise: Single Leg Squat Do: Engage your core, shoot for a 90 degree bend, try different leg positions Don’t: let your shoulders and head do all the lowering! Easier: hold on to a wall or counter for support Harder: get lower!

How-to: Planks on a Ball
Exercise: Planks on a Ball Variations: Feet on the Ball (FOB) and Hands on the ball (HOB) Do: Keep a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels Don’t: allow hips to sag or rise, or sink into your shoulder sockets Don’t: attempt the HOB plank if you have wrist problems or […]

How-to: Reverse Leg-Lifts on a Ball
Exercise: Reverse Leg-Lifts on a Ball Do: engage your back and glutes throughout; keep your neck in a neutral position Don’t: overextend your legs, arch your back Easier: One leg at a time Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Praying Mantis Plank
Exercise: Praying Mantis Plank Do: Return to good plank form between each rep Easier: Touch outstretched foot to floor near hand, instead of touching hand & foot in the air; or leave both hands in place and just reach your foot out. Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Lower Body >>

How-to: Bridge – Feet on a Ball
Exercise: Bridge – Feet on a Ball (FOB) Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Forward Lean-Over Lunge
Exercise: Forward Lean-Over Lunge Do: Take a big enough step forward that your back leg is fairly straight; push through your heel to “spring” back to the starting position Don’t: let your front knee “cave in” towards your centreline – instead keep you knee tracking right over your ankle Easier: n/a Harder: Add weight

How-to: Lunge Stretch
Exercise: Lunge Stretch Do: Focus on tilting your pelvis under; keep your knees aligned with your ankles Don’t: let your front knee drive forward past your toes, or cave inward towards your centre line. Easier: Back knee resting on the floor. Back toes can be tucked under, or top of the foot resting on the ground Harder: Rise up to […]

Hip Flexor Stretches: Iliopsoas vs Rectus Femoris
It’s time to talk about our hip flexors, what they do, and how to properly stretch them. Your hip flexors are a group of muscles that 😲 aid in hip flexion, which, in other terms, means pulling the thigh closer to the torso. The hip flexor complex is compromised of the rectus femoris, psoas. iliacus, […]
How to: Upper Body >>

How-to: Plank – Elbows to Hands
Exercise: Plank – Elbows to Hands Do: Follow all the good form advice for a standard plank; remember to alternate which arm leads Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Upper Body Stretch
Exercise: Upper Body Stretch Sequence Do: Just follow along and hold each stretch for 30 seconds minimum! Here’s the list: Chest stretch on the wall (or door stretch) Door frame back stretch Forearm stretch – inside and outside Back to all How-To Videos, in alphabetical order…

How-to: Triceps Push-Up
Exercise: Triceps Push-Up Do: Keep elbows tucked to your sides, practice good push-up form Don’t: allow hips to sag or rise up into a piked position Easier: From the knees Harder: Elevate your feet on a step, bench or chair Click here to see all the How-To Videos…

How-to: Burpees & Variations
Exercise: Burpees Variations:Half Burpees, Squat Thrusts Do: Hit all the ‘stops’ with good form: Squat, plank, push-up, squat-jump Don’t: Rush through it and sacrifice form Click here to see all the How-To Videos…
How to: Agility >>

How-to: Chair Step-Up
Exercise: Chair Step-Ups & Step-Up / Cross-Under Combos* Do: Drive through your heel, all the way up Don’t: Get only halfway up Easier: Standard step up Harder: Double-time, Up and Over variations *check out the Cross-Under squat video for more tutorial on the combo movement.

How-to: Duck Walk
Exercise: Duck Walks Do: Take long, low strides Don’t: Pop up between steps Easier: Shorter sustained periods of walking Harder: Keep going! quack!

How-to: Tuck Jumps – Advanced Variations
Exercise: Tuck Jumps – Advanced Variations Do: Get low to start every jump. Power up as high as possible and tuck both knees to chest. Attempt to stick the landing each time. Don’t: do these without a very good warm-up. Easier: take more rest between jumps. Harder: n/a See also: Long Jump with Weight, Tuck Jumps Back to […]

How-to: Long Jump with Weight
Exercise: Weighted Long Jumps Do: Swing the weight out in front of you, imagine it dragging you forward. Take it slow as you get used to the feeling. Don’t: look for height, or swing the weight above shoulder height. Easier: eliminate the weight Harder: heavier weight, more reps. See also: Long Jump + Tuck Jump Back to all How-To […]