Category: Ask Booty
Got a Q? She’s got your A. Booty Quake answers your questions about training, injuries, derby, or whatever you can dream up to ask!

Quicker Transitions and Reforming?
Q. Hi Booty! I'm a fairly new player, and I come from a completely non-athletic background. One area I have been consistently struggling with is turn stops, and making it back to my wall quickly when we get broken up. How can I help myself, especially ou…
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Pre-Hab for Your Shoulders?
Q. There are a few girls on my team, myself included, who are prone to shoulder injuries/issues. Do you have any shoulder prehab recommendations? - Eenie Meanie, Savannah Derby Devils A. You're not alone! With the increased amount of bracing we a…
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Ask Booty – A Little Unstable?
Q. I need help with my stability! I'm a petite skater, and I've been working on bending my knees and digging my skates into the ground, but it just isn't working. I see these solid rocks coming towards me, so I bear down and feel that I'm going to be as s…
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How to Get Lower – is it your Achilles?
Q. What is the best way to stretch the Achilles tendon to help with getting lower? – anonymous A. AHA!! This is a trick question! I can give you stretches to lengthen your calf (of which the achilles is one of the attachment points), but it is my …
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Finding your inner (thigh) Suzanne Somers
Q. I need exercises that strengthen my hip abductors and adductors. Can you let me know which one of your awesome workouts has exercises that hit these muscle groups?Thanks! – Vile Love It A.  Great question, Vile! Adductors and Abductors are supe…
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Fitting in fitness when you’re not a morning person
Q. What is the best time of day to exercise if you are not a morning person? Should I get up and push through to do a session before work? Or is it better for me to do afternoon or evening workouts? – Holli Hipkiss A.  Sounds cheesy, but the most …
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How to self-motivate when life gets in the way?
Q. What helps you stay motivated to work out, or pushes you to work out, when life things get crazy and overwhelming? - Trudy Bauchery A.  When I’m struggling against the deepest, most primal urges to lie on the couch with a glass of wine, dark choc…
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What to do if you hate running?
Q. Booty, can I get more awesome without running or jogging (except as warm up)? - Lyndall A. Heck yeah, Lyndall! So glad you asked. Lots of skaters have trouble with running. Some of us have cranky old aches and pains, others have body types that donâ€â€¦
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