Some days you need to be truly ready to BRING IT. Today is one of those days.
This workout means business! We are going to hit the deck with a whole lot of strength and cardio in this workout. Your upper body, lower body, and core will be feeling it, and your lungs will be put to the test.
Today’s session is a time challenge, which means you should try it today, record your time, and then come back to it again in 4-6 weeks to monitor your improvements. Feel free to take a more detailed workout journal than just your time, too. Top athletes keep detailed notes of their mood, how they felt during a workout, their sleeping and eating patterns, and more. They return to these journals when they’ve hit a plateau, to see what worked and what didn’t in the past.
Whatever you decide to record though, you better know that I am WATCHING YOU… and I have a very low tolerance for bad form when working out! So, no excuses here. Repeat after me: I will not sacrifice good form for speed in this workout! I will not sacrifice good form for speed in this workout! Take rest breaks when you need to, in order to be able to maintain optimal form throughout.
Equipment: Stopwatch timer.
Workout: 3 rounds through:
- Spidermans x 30 (both sides = 1 rep)
- Squat Jump + Tuck Jump x 10
- Rollover pushups x10 (one for each pushup = 1 rep)
- Side to Side shuffles x 20 (each side = 1 rep)
- One leg burpees x 10 (do 5 one side, then switch)
Watch the video for how to do these moves! Please remember to warm up beforehand, and cool down with a stretch afterwards.
Your goal is to complete the entire workout with no rest periods, in as short a time as possible, while maintaining optimal form. I can promise you that it won’t be easy, but that you’ll feel tremendously rewarded when you complete this session. If you ever have a moment where you feel like hell and you don’t want to finish, just remember: you’re setting the stage for the next time, when you come back in 6 weeks and CRUSH this workout.
You’ve got this!! Now Bring It!!
xo Booty Quake
OMG! OK, I’ll be honest….I find the roll over pushups really challenging, but am really appreciative to have something like that to help with my t-rex arms! lol!! And I did NOT kill those 1 legged burpees, so I did the good ol reg ones for my bad ankle side. HARD……that is all!! WHEW!!!! Def sharing!!
You rock thank you!
Had to do a lot of modification. I am just starting to workout again. Didn’t time the 1st round just worked on form, 2nd 6min 30sec, 3rd 7min 15sec. Can’t wait to see my progress!
Nice work. I like your approach!
I’m so grateful for these workouts I can do at home in under 15 min! Today I did this one at the beach while my kids were swimming — it was tough and awesome. Thanks.
Whew! It took me 22:02. Great workout! Thank you. :)