Tag: warmup

Roller Derby Gamechangers
As part of Roller Derby Athletics' sponsorship of the 2014 WFTDA tournaments on wftda.tv, we're sharing these 30 Second #Gamechanger episodes all tournament season long! A team has 60 seconds for a time out on the track - what can YOU do in 30 seconds t…
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Resolutions are *so* last year…
Everyone is talking resolutions and big plans for 2014 these days. Hard to open a magazine, the intertrons, or the boob tube without facing someone's list of goals for the 365 days ahead. I was planning to write a resolutions-themed blog post of my own, i…
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Dynamic Warmup (dryland)
Here is a warmup you can do that follows the theory of dynamic stretching: warming up and lengthening your muscles in preparation for athletics, without using sustained stretching. For more background on dynamic warmups and the reason they're good, check …
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