This will not be an unrealistic, work-out-every-day-or-we’ll-judge-you, kind of Challenge.
Instead, it’s more of a “Choose Your Own Adventure.” Each participant will pick their own goal for the month, or the week, and get support, ideas, and encouragement to stay on track, plus optional workouts to choose from in the RDA Fitness App. From drinking more water, to getting to yoga twice a week, to getting sweaty once a day, the variety from past years has been impressive!
Frequently Asked Questions…
Q. What’s the Challenge? What will we be doing?
A. Part 1: Choose-your-own challenge – We’ll establish our personal goals in the first few days – with group support! Whether it’s hitting the gym 3x a week, getting to yoga class regularly, doing your stretching, or just keeping your red wine intake to a dull roar, we will set some individual mini-resolutions for the month. Part 2: Your mission is to plan and track your fitness all month long! (which you can do in the app, of course…) Part 3: We will provide daily mini-challenges and exclusive workouts along the way that you can choose to accomplish if they fit with your fitness goals.
Q. What do I need to get involved?
A. Facebook, Email, and a mobile device for the RDA Fitness App; a small space where you can work out; some motivation and cheer & your one time $45 payment (or an active Membership)
Q. Where does this happen? Do I need to be where you are? What time zone are you in?
A. You can do this from anywhere in the whole wide world! We will try to base posts & email timing on North American daytime, as that’s where most of our followers live.
Q. Is this for weight loss?
A. This is for health, with a focus on physical fitness. The motivations and mini-challenges will range from fitness to nutrition to mental sanity over the holidays. We’re not nutritionists and there is no food plan involved. Sleigh’d It members might feel frisky and share some healthy holiday recipes, and we may have some healthy eating tips, too.
Q. How do I get in?
A. When you complete the checkout process, you’ll automatically be added to the RDA Fitness App, and we’ll send you details to get invited to the Facebook group. All the details will be distributed through email and the app.
Q. Why does this cost money? Is it worth it?
A. Fantastic question. Studies show that people are more likely to stick with something they have invested in, over something they have joined for free. Plus you get a whole bunch of workouts to get you through the holidays feeling strong and healthy. For a little over a dollar a day, we’d say it’s a screaming deal!
Q. But I LIKE egg nog and turkey and lying on the couch in a food coma at Christmas/Hannukah/Festivus. Plus I’m traveling, so it will be too hard to stick to anything.
A. You’re right. It’s impossible. Stop before you start!… Just kidding! At this time of year, everyone should have parties, food, and fun. Plus, some of us travel and stay with Great Aunt Matilda who has no space to work out in between all the crocheted doilies. This Challenge is about MODERATION not austerity, and about setting realistic goals for keeping your fitness going over the holidays. Your can have a total breakdown of your normal routine, or choose to take small actions each day to keep things on track with your health!
Q. So, you’re saying I should sign up already?
A. You betcha.