Wondering if this is legit? Hear directly from our athletes who are surpassing their own limitations and expectations every day…
Roller Derby Athletics is helping athletes of all levels, across the derbyverse, helping them to feel SAFE, STRONG, & UNSTOPPABLE. Rookies, All-Star skaters, moms, students, fitness newbies, gym rats, weightlifters, cardio queens, jammers, blockers, officials, & retired skaters looking to keep up their fitness … they’re all here!

Spaces are limited so we can ensure great athlete support to all of our existing members. We only do intake 3x per year!
CHOOSE YOUR PLAN, & start stepping up your game TODAY.
All pricing in USD. No-Hassle Guarantee: full refund within 21 days if you’re not loving it!
Essential Plan
à la Carte Training
Quarterly Plan
100% Derby-Specific
Track Your Workouts
Training Calendar at-a-glance
Instructional videos for great form!
Create "Freestyle" Workouts
Message your Coach Any Time
3 Free Boot Camps & Challenges/yr ($135+ value!)
DerbyFuel System: ADD ON >
Create Your Own Schedule
No Training Programs
No Customization
Huge Library of Workouts
Programming Updates: N/A
MVP Plan
personalized training
Quarterly Plan
100% Derby-Specific
Track Your Workouts
Training Calendar at-a-glance
Instructional videos for great form!
Create "Freestyle" Workouts
Message your Coach Any Time
FREE BOOT CAMPS & Challenges ($225+ value!)
Workouts Scheduled For You
Done-for-you Training Programs
Achieve Your Goals Faster
Personalized for Your Needs
4/yr Programming Updates
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