Workout Focus: Full Body, Endurance
You Need: a chair; a timer or stopwatch
Stability Training: none today!
Suggested Warmup: 50 jumping jacks | 20 x half squats | 20 x wall push-ups | 20 x good mornings | 20 x full squats | 20 walking lunges | 20 arm circles each direction.
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Turkey Trot Workout:
Choose your interval ratio – 1:1 (30s:30s), 2:1 (40s:20s), 3:1 (45s:15s) or 4:1 (50s:10s)
Rest 1 minute; repeat for 2 to 4 total rounds!
Finish: Cool down with 3-5 minutes of jogging or walking. Stretch your calves and anything else you like!
Printable: 2016-10-09-turkey-trot
Explanations and Modifications
To make this easier: Swap squat jumps instead of frog jumps. Choose a lower work:rest ratio.
To make this harder: Swap burpees for skater strides. Choose a higher work:rest ratio.