We have loads of dedicated athletes training with Roller Derby Athletics all the time. But every now and again, someone comes along and knocks our skates off with their dedication and determination. And we can’t help sharing our #rdaallstars success with the world!
Introducing: Ziggy Scardust, proud member of Royal City Roller Derby!
Photo used with permission from Cai Sepulis.
Coach Johnnie Knocks’Em nominated Ziggy Scardust as she is a dedicated member of our Essential Training since November 2020 and has completed over 90 workouts with us. Her consistency, energy, and resolve to keep pushing all set a great example. Thank you and Congratulations, Ziggy Scardust!!
Q&A with Ziggy Scardust
What do you get up to when you’re not playing derby?
I love street skating, weight lifting, and cycling for other active hobbies. But I also really love knitting, sewing, and gardening. My home is full of things I’ve grown and crafted!
What are you working towards in derby right now?
Getting back to it! I’m on my league’s board of directors, so we’re focusing on how to return to play safely. We’ve also used the downtime to turn inwards and examine how we can work harder to be an anti-racist, anti-oppressive organization.
Any big successes or milestones for you in derby recently?
Officiating champs was a big one back in the before times of 2019. I still feel grateful to play on my league’s charter though. Even though 2020 would have been my 3rd season, it still feels new!
How has off-skate training contributed to your derby experience?
It’s been everything! As a jammer, I’ve definitely seen it improve my stamina on the track. Getting more active off-skates has lead to so much discovery for me of what my body can do, and what I enjoy. I never used to like things that made me so tired, but now I seek them out all the time! Nothing like that post-workout high.
What is your favorite thing about training with RDA?
Its flexibility. If you’re just not able to pull through the workout lined up for today, bump it! It’s all on your own schedule and you’re the one who knows what you need each day. The group format helps me push when I need to, but it’s also a very flexible regiment with rest days too so you never fall too far behind!
Do you have a favorite RDA workout?
I could never pick, but I extra loved the core challenge!
Anything else you want to tell the world about your derby or training experience this year?
Congratulations to Ziggy Scardust! Thank you for being such a joy to work with and a sparkling addition to the derby community!