We have loads of dedicated athletes training with Roller Derby Athletics all the time. But every now and again, someone comes along and knocks our skates off with their dedication and determination. And we can’t help sharing our #rdaallstars success with the world!
Introducing: Poison Apple, proud member of Boston Roller Derby, skating for their team the Boston Common!
We couldn’t help but notice Poison’s hard core (ahem, see what I did there?) determination and attitude towards constant personal improvement. Her #pickyourpoison series on Instagram showed us just how dedicated she could be to her offskate training in order to be where she needed for her team on the track.
Although she has strange taste in weight room tunes (see below), she’s truly inspirational and her RDA Skater Success coach Maloik says, “I’d have a hard worker like her on MY team any day of the week!”
photo: used with permission from Alex Aperture
Q&A with Poison Apple
What do you get up to when you’re not playing derby? I’m a fifth grade teacher by day. This has made me really good at taking attendance at practice! I’m still working on hockey stops, but I’m a pro at roll-call. The art teacher at my school is a retired skater from BRD, so I’m in good company. I also really love Broadway and have a theater background. I tend to listen to show tunes on heavy lifting days. I’m convinced that nothing improves a squat like Rogers and Hammerstein.
What are you working towards in derby right now? I’m really trying to become more agile and not rely on strength alone when getting through the pack. I’m also working on better communication with the pack. I want to clearly relay my expectations for offense and be able to take what they give me.
Any big successes or milestones for you in derby recently? Athletics aside, I’ve been trying to be more patient and understanding with myself. Everyone’s journey is different, and that’s okay. I’ve basically learned how to stop worrying and love derby for what it is, not what team I’m on.
How has off-skate training contributed to your derby experience? Listen up kids: cross-training is super important. It makes world of difference in your skating and your overall health. My strength work in particular has really helped my balance and coordination. Deadlifts took away that back ache from being in derby stance. I hate conditioning with a fiery passion, but as a jammer, I can’t deny its significance. Plus, I can hit harder. That’s always a plus.
What is your favourite thing about training with RDA? I love that RDA makes cross training achievable. Starting a fitness routine, especially with a specific sport in mind, is incredibly daunting. RDA really gives you a great guide in the right direction. Plus, most workouts don’t require a gym. On snow days when I couldn’t leave my apartment, I would do a HIIT routine in the basement. There’s no reason not to succeed.
Do you have a favourite RDA workout? Yes! I love the Hot Mess HIIT workout! I actually got better at burpees with this one. Plus, adding a ten pound weight to the situps makes things a little more interesting.
Anything else you want to tell the world about your derby or training experience this year? Don’t be afraid of strength, barbells, or the weight room. So many strength coaches and articles seek to gain women’s approval by first assuring them that they won’t get bulky. I hate that. Learning how to lift and committing to a program is the best gift I’ve ever given myself. In a world as chaotic and uncertain as roller derby, it’s great to come back to the iron. In the words of Henry Rollins: “I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.”
Congratulations to Poison and thank you for being such an inspiration here at RDA!
Want to feel #unstoppable just like Poison Apple? Come join the RDA training community and be your best on the track! www.rollerderbyathletics.com/plans
I love Poison! We started out together. I’m so proud of her. She’s the real deal.