We have loads of dedicated athletes training with Roller Derby Athletics all the time. But every now and again, someone comes along and knocks our skates off with their dedication and determination. And we can’t help sharing our #rdaallstars success with the world!
Introducing: Kristin, proud member of St. Pauli Roller Derby!
Coach BadBrand nominated Kristin, as she is a dedicated member of our MVP Training since November 2020 and has completed over 220 workouts with us. Her ability to completely crush it and go above and beyond set a great example. Thank you and Congratulations, Kristin!!
Q&A with Kristin
What do you get up to when you’re not playing derby?
I love podcasts, loooong walks, being at the sea in summer, enjoying concerts – everything’s a bit limited at the moment of course. Otherwise, I think I’m a bit YouTube addicted, I learn so much there and dig deep into some super interesting topics – may it be space travel, graffiti, or computer science.
And as my job, I organize events with a big focus on education.
What are you working towards in derby right now?
Despite the on-hold situation due to Coronavirus and no practice at all, my next big goal in Derby would be to pass my minimum skills test.
Any big successes or milestones for you in derby recently?
I’m still a newbie in my league and I haven’t done any sports before. So, my body is still adapting to a lot of new actions and movements in general. Hence, I was so thrilled that crossovers (in both directions! :) ) didn’t feel strange anymore at some point. It took so many repetitions of course but it makes me confident to learn so much more. I even had the impression that it gets easier the more I learn.
How has off-skate training contributed to your derby experience?
Right now I don’t skate very often. Doing all the RDA exercises, I see myself preparing for on-skate practices. I love that the exercises are derby-specific so that I don’t need to be afraid to lose any of my current achievements and I can even work on my strength and endurance, which will be super helpful when returning to play at some point.
What is your favorite thing about training with RDA?
I like the calendar the most! There, all my workouts are combined. Since my week usually is quite busy, I’m happy that it’s flexible and I can drag and drop the workouts in the way they suit me. I also like that I can keep track of my sports in general in the calendar. So, I can add CrossFit classes, derby practices, or further cardio workouts. Plus: I didn’t think of it to be that fun but entering in the stats after each workout feels like a tiny success, and of course you can track your progress with it as well.
Do you have a favorite RDA workout?
The Stride Builder workouts are great! I also participated in the “Sleigh’d it challenge” and it’s so much fun! I’ve never thought of sports to be fun and feeling good. But here we are!
Anything else you want to tell the world about your derby or training experience this year?
Congratulations to Kristin! Thank you for being such a joy to work with and sparkling addition to the derby community!