We have loads of dedicated athletes training with Roller Derby Athletics all the time. But every now and again, someone comes along and knocks our skates off with their dedication and determination. And we can’t help sharing our #rdaallstars success with the world!
Introducing: Gnarly Quinn, proud member of Chicks Ahoy! (Toronto Roller Derby)
Gnarly Quinn’s coach Maloik nominated her for skater of the month because she’s always seeking to improve, knows her strengths and areas she wants to improve on with a lot of specificity, and finally, she’s been really dedicated to her training program! Congrats, Gnarly!
photo: used with permission from Neil Gunner
Q&A with Gnarly Quinn
What do you get up to when you’re not playing derby? Train for derby, workout to be better at derby, and watch videos about derby. Other than derby, I’m studying front end web development, I’m also a drummer and I love to read. You can also find me playing video games if I have the time.
What are you working towards in derby right now? Right now my main focus is just being an asset to my team as a blocker. Eventually I’d like to try being a pivot or jamming occasionally, but right now I’m super happy just trying to be the best blocker I can be.
Any big successes or milestones for you in derby recently? I recently was drafted to Chicks Ahoy! and was able to play with them in Montreal at Beast of the East (we even made it to the quarter finals).
How has off-skate training contributed to your derby experience? I’m able to get a lot lower and stay low. I feel stronger and like I have more stamina too which has been incredible for my mental game and confidence on the track.
What is your favourite thing about training with RDA? Being able to work with the coaches in order to tailor my workouts and goals.
Do you have a favourite RDA workout? Anything with weights or the HIIT Hufflepuff workout (Hello fellow Hufflepuffs!).
Anything else you want to tell the world about your derby or training experience this year? Maloik has been an amazing trainer/coach and I’m super thankful. I have limited access to equipment, so being able to complete my workouts at home has been vital and Maloik has made a program that I’m able to stick to and enjoy!
Congratulations to Gnarly Quinn! Thank you for being such an awesome addition to the Derby community!