We have loads of dedicated athletes training with Roller Derby Athletics all the time. But every now and again, someone comes along and knocks our skates off with their dedication and determination. And we can’t help sharing our #rdaallstars success with the world!
Introducing: Crashidy Jade, of the Pile O’Bones Derby Club’s Travel Team, Miss Demeanors!
Crash started her junior derby career with RDA’s sponsored team of 2018, the the Gapland Smashers of Saskatchewan. She also represented Team Canada (along with a few of her Gapland teammates) in the 2018 Junior Roller Derby World Cup! Although she suffered a major knee injury mid-season, she was extremely diligent with her “kneehab” work, and came back strong and ready to play for her country. She’s a rock-solid skater and we’re proud to sponsor Crash this year.
photo: used with permission from Danny Ngan Photography
Q&A with Crashidy Jade
What do you get up to when you’re not playing derby? When I am not playing derby I’m working out, playing hockey, and unfortunately, doing a bunch of homework.
What are you working towards in derby right now? This season my team is working towards getting to champs. Some of my personal goals are to focus on my mental game and reduce the amount of penalties I get per game!
Any big successes or milestones for you in derby recently? One big milestone I was a part of was when the Gapland Smashers made it to champs. It was really cool because we were the first international team that made it to champs in the female division. One of my biggest accomplishments as a skater was when I was awarded MVP blocker for Team Canada.
Editors Note: We just had to include this awesome photo Crashidy Jade sent to us of her with her family at the Junior Roller Derby World Cup!
How has off-skate training contributed to your derby experience? RDA has helped me a lot this year. After I suffered a knee injury in April I was unable to participate in all contact sports. With big events coming up I had no time for set backs. With the help of RDA I was able to maintain and regain all the strength that I lost. This was one of the main reasons I was able to participate for Team Canada at the Junior Roller Derby World Cup.
Do you have a favourite RDA workout? My favourite RDA workouts are definitely the Tabata workouts! They are super quick and require zero extra equipment. I also enjoy these workouts because they are great brain breaks while I am doing my homework!
Anything else you want to tell the world about your derby or training experience this year? I would really like to thank Booty Quake and BadBrand for all the extra time they have put into this program to make it so user friendly and efficient! I love my trainers and all the hard work they put into helping me get to where I am today!
Congratulations to Crash on a great year in 2018, and thank you for being a fabulous rep for RDA into 2019! We are SO EXCITED here at RDA to watch what you do next!
Want to feel #unstoppable just like Crashidy Jane? Come join the RDA training community and be your best on the track! www.rollerderbyathletics.com/plans