For those of us just meeting, my real name is Laura (derby name: Lilith NoFair), I live in Guelph, Ontario, and I’m a nutrition coach, kettlebell specialist, and general roller derby person.
I’m not your typical healthy-living coach – I didn’t play sports growing up, I didn’t spend my formative years in the gym. I went to Theatre School, for goodness sake. I was that girl who could sit in front of the TV for hours eating jujubes. Who thought a box of Kraft Dinner (that’s mac and cheese, for non-Canadians!) with hot-dogs was a reasonably balanced meal. Who had a pretty crummy relationship with her body and her eating habits.
Somewhere along the way, I started playing roller derby. And everything changed. I realized that if I wanted to succeed in this crazy sport, I would have to start acting like an athlete. I’ll be honest – I started weight training not only to get better at derby, but so that I could continue to eat whatever I wanted without my body composition changing too much. That only worked for so long. The more serious I got about derby, the more my body began to demand better fuel. It’s like how you can put any sort of gas into your 1994 Cavalier, but you should probably only be fueling your 2016 Roadster with Premium.
When I started out trying to eat “better”, I totally struggled with food choices, portioning and nutrient timing. I would jump from plan to plan, trying to find that magic bullet that would feed me well, but that would take no time or effort on my part.
I’m here to tell you that such a plan doesn’t exist. If you want better performance in life and in derby, you’ve got to put the work in. It won’t always be easy, but it won’t always be hard either. Derby Fuel will help to guide you through sustainable lifestyle habits, rather than just giving you a diet that you can throw away after the four weeks is up. We’ll learn together with lots of choose-your-own-adventure style options, at a pace that won’t just give you fleeting results, but that will keep you eating healthy forever. We’ll acknowledge your wins, and encourage you to make reasonable, steady progress.
Derby Fuel isn’t a diet, and it won’t help you “lose ten pounds in two weeks!”. What it will do is give you a solid understanding of how to eat well for a lifetime, and the tools you need to follow through.
Ready to get started? Let’s roll!
xo Lilith NoFair