We have loads of dedicated athletes training with Roller Derby Athletics all the time. But every now and again, someone comes along and knocks our skates off with their dedication and determination. And we can’t help sharing our #rdaallstars success with the world!
Introducing: Kitty Skittles, proud member of Minnesota Roller Derby’s Windchill program! Previously she’s skated with Mankato Area Roller Derby (MAD Girls) (2017-18), and the world’s greatest fast food-themed roller derby team, the Electric Sliders (2017-19ish). For the Sliders, Kitty skates as as Chick Feel Gay.
Coach BadBrand nominated Kitty Skittles. She’s proud of her for having a successful bout in March, her rockstar participation in our new 30 Rock program and for sending her the funniest DMs ever! Thank you and congratulations Kitty Skittles!!
photo: used with permission from David Dyer-Bennet
Q&A with Kitty Skittles
What do you get up to when you’re not playing derby? I work at a major bank in complaints management, I am a huge fan of the Minnesota Twins, practice guitar, I write books and short stories; I’ve been slooooowly improving at that since I was ten.
What are you working towards in derby right now? I’m working toward being more mobile and quicker on the track, to be a better blocker and a more agile and faster jammer. Also, I’m working on communicating with other skaters on the track, all the time. I’m always working on being a better teammate – the best thing we can always work on is supporting our friends & coaches. What happens after that… well we’ll see.
Any big successes or milestones for you in derby recently? In September 2019 as a foster skater with Iron Range Maidens, I earned the “Wild Card” MVP trophy from our hosts, Forx Roller Derby Sugar Beaters! This was my first bout MVP in a couple of years, so I was very excited and grateful to my hosts and my foster team for making that a possibility. For the last 3 years I’ve played in a bout the Saturday right after my birthday. Birthday spankings have NEVER been this much fun.
How has off-skate training contributed to your derby experience? In every way. It’s improved my leg stability, pushing strength – one of my teammates says I’m a beast on the track, which is awesome because she is a collection of knives (love you, Brawlie!).
What is your favourite thing about training with RDA? The variety of workouts and the community involved with things like the Candy Cane Challenge every December or the Pump Up Your Jam challenges. And of course, BadBrand is fantastic to work with. She’s been very responsive to my needs and ramping up or back my program’s intensity as my derby life and work life demand.
Do you have a favourite RDA workout? Probably the last one I did! Extra points if I cursed the trainers doing it! The Basics Builders are fantastic for times when I just don’t have enough extra time and energy to do something more involved, but I can at least devote eight minutes and see where I go from there.
Anything else you want to tell the world about your derby or training experience this year? It’s been a ride, and the ride’s not over yet! I also need to credit my team, the Minnesota Windchill, and its coaches: Our Man Flip, Gay of Reckoning, Daft Spunk, and Your Mom. We do our best for each other & push each other forward, and we’re stronger for it. Derby love!
Congratulations to Kitty Skittles! Thank you for being such a joy to work with and a sparkling addition to the Derby community!