How to stay healthy while travelling

Posted on: December 3rd 2019

When you eat well and exercise most of the time, it’s okay to take a break every now and then. Rest, relaxation, and removing stress from your life are very important! However, this doesn’t mean you should spend your time away from home eating potato chips, drinking soda, and becoming one with the couch. You can find a healthy balance between maintaining your fitness and taking a break from routine. So go ahead — have a cocktail or dessert, but balance it out with a morning jog or a quick hotel room workout. If you’d like to take your healthy act on the road, here are some ways to maintain your momentum:

1.Go for a jog or take a long walk
Exploring a new city on foot is a great way to take in your new surroundings. This is also an excellent way to recover from jet lag, especially if you find yourself awake before most businesses open. Put on your running shoes, grab your phone so you don’t get lost, and get out there!

2.Use the hotel gym
We know it’s not as great as our gym, but you can get a good workout in a hotel gym! Here are some great strength exercises to do, which you can combine with sprint intervals on the treadmill.

Here are a few other great hotel gym workouts:
100 jumping jacks, 75 air squats, 50 push-ups, 25 burpees
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps: burpees, squats
10 rounds: 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats

3. Work out in your room or house
If you don’t have access to a gym, here are some workouts you can do in your hotel room with no equipment.

4. Indulge intelligently
You can enjoy drinks, desserts , and extravagant meals on vacation, but make sure every day has some balance. Start the day with a healthy breakfast and eat a light lunch if you know you’ll be eating a decadent dinner. You can give some thought to your nutrition while away from home without completely denying yourself. Remember, vacation doesn’t have to be unhealthy to be fun! Follow these tips and you’ll come home fit, well-rested, and happy.

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