Our mind and body are connected. A great practice to learn is to make workouts a physical, mental, and spiritual activity.
For me, I listen to my body. I choose workouts that match my abilities. I practice skills at the skate park or do agility work when my energy is high. I stretch or take a walk on days when I need to be gentler with myself.
I pay close attention. I notice how each movement feels.
I vary my routines. I make progress and maintain motivation by creating new challenges. I look forward to trying different exercises and discovering the results.
I head outdoors. Green spaces and natural beauty give me more energy. I go for a long trail skate or do a core workout on a yoga mat in the park.
I invite others to join me. I use my workouts to spend more time with family and friends. We share encouragement, conversation, and laughter which is especially helpful for trying times like 2020 turned out to be for all of us. Facebook live or Zoom workouts can be fun!
I lift my spirits. Working out makes me feel stronger inside and out. I reduce daily stress and anxiety. I feel happier and calmer.
I think about my purpose. I discover my own reasons for staying fit. I tone my body and increase my chances for a long and active life. I cross train to help improve my skills on and off the track. I sharpen my thinking and elevate my mood.
Today, I honor the connection between my body and mind. I use exercise to enhance my overall wellbeing. Mindfulness makes my workouts more satisfying and enjoyable.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Why am I thankful for my body and what it can do?
- Why is it important to make time for recovery?
- What is one thing I can do to make my workouts more fun?
We’d love to hear your answers, tell us below!
Photo credit: Photo by Madison Lavern